I'm Mike, and I'm passionate about authentic communication, email marketing, and the written word.

When it comes to authentic communication, I focus on:

  • Helping people find their authentic voice and operate in their truth through my speaking engagements under MHSpeak.com
  • Empowering young men to navigate the challenges of growing up through my early intervention initiative, Pipeline To Manhood (PTM)
  • Guiding people to develop authentic relationships and grow into their best selves

When it comes to email marketing, I focus on:

  • Amplifying authentic brand voices that align with their core message
  • Crafting lifecycle conversion strategies that resonate with the right audiences through my email sequence community, Sequenceflo
  • Showcasing my expertise in email design and deliverability through my portfolio with my company, Email Fixed

When it comes to the written word, I focus on:

  • Exploring fiction and essay writing to share meaningful insights
  • Continually honing the writing craft to communicate with clarity and authenticity
  • Developing a unique writing voice and tone that rings true to who I am

At the core of all my pursuits is a deep commitment to authentic communication and being heard loud and clear. I believe true fulfillment and success comes from understanding yourself, aligning your words and actions with your genuine self, and expressing your unique perspective with the world.

If these topics resonate with you, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, purposeful communication, and making an impact through heartfelt expression. Let's uncover your authentic voice together and ensure you are heard loud and clear in everything you do.

A bit more:

Email Marketing: I'm an email designer dedicated to telling brand stories within the inbox. I love working with authentic artisan e-commerce brands because authenticity converts. My work honors the brand voice, leading to financial viability. I focus on creating authenticity over generic templates and shortcuts. Together, we'll craft a continual message or story that resonates. Every email, every strategy, every touchpoint echoes your vision. From the many campaigns I've crafted, I've cultivated a perspective on sequential marketing. And I'm eager to share that wealth of knowledge with you through SequenceFlo and Email Fixed.

Writing: My passion is hunting for excellent and unique writing. I am inspired when I hear an impactful speech or read wonderful writing. I try to honor this passion by writing my own pieces and crafting speech to a polished point—it's how I'm wired.

Dive Deeper into My Expertise:

  • Email marketing? Click here.
  • Authentic communication? Join me at mhspeaks.com.
  • Empowering young men? Discover Pipeline To Manhood (PTM).
  • Read my writing? Click here.

For more insights and resources, email me at mike (at) mikedhenry.com.

Thank you.